It's been great settling into our new house and getting my studio all fitted out, but times a'wasting, and, as Warren loves to say, "I've fooled around long enough!" As luck would have it, I have some new work to share...
I just finished up several pieces, and I've taken photos along the way. Many people have no idea how cloisonne enamels are made, so hopefully this will serve to enlighten those unfamiliar with the process. This is just how I do them, though, so don't imagine for a moment that I'm the final word on the subject.
First, here's a pic of my studio:
It's huge compared to my last space! I've got my desk facing out, so I can look out the windows as I work. My little kiln is right behind my desk, so it's easy to transfer work from one to the other. I even have a little table to lay things out on, and Miss kitty has her spot by the window.